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超輕巧緊湊, 這款超深獨立式拗浴缸可容納一個人,僅與冰塊或任何便攜式冷卻/加熱裝置一起使用.
Manufactured with the highest quality components and thickened insulated thermal walls to keep temperature colder for longer. Far from other plastic bathtubs, the IceBarrel is made from ultra-durable drop-stitch materials, giving rock-hard surfaces all over the pool. You can even sit and stand on the edges without bending it.
Enjoy an ice bath in any space, even in small rooms, indoors or outdoors, so you can take the plunge at any time, wherever you want.


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2 thoughts on "OHO新設計充氣滴針冷跳冰浴缸,用于治療訓練恢復"

  1. Dario


    Zanima me ovaj proizvodkoja je cijena i kolika bi bila cijena za shiping u Hrvatsku (EU)?
    Također me zanima temperatura koja se postiže sa aparatom, najniža i najviša temperatura?



    • yixunpanpanjiaqimo Post author

      ok dear, we have different size, may I have you wahts app ID so I can share more information to you to choose which size do you like, thank you

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  • 噢噢 10:12 係, 今日
    你好, 尊敬嘅先生/女士, 歡迎來到我哋嘅網站! 我係哦,我應該如何稱呼你?