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Custom Inflatable Fishing Parahu
Custom Inflatable Fishing Parahu

Pipa ngambang fishing gaduh bantalan beban anu saé sareng apungan anu saé, ngidinan Anjeun pikeun lauk aman di danau atawa walungan. Sumawona, there are two buckle straps on the side of the seat to ensure that you will not fall off the seat. At the back of the float tube, there are two adjustable shoulder straps that makes it easy to carry to any destination. Enjoy fishing with this inflatable boat without any worries.

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alamat surélék anjeun moal diterbitkeun. Widang diperlukeun ditandaan *

geus 1902 talatah

  • GUGAH 10:12 AM, Kiwari
    Halo, dear Bapak/Ibu, wilujeng sumping di ramatloka kami! Abdi OHO,kumaha abdi kedah alamat anjeun?