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Hot Sell Jintefħu Kayak Kaboat Għas-Sajd
Hot Sell Jintefħu Kayak Kaboat Għas-Sajd

Premium Quality Materials : This inflatable kaboat with polyester support, having excellent resistance to tearing, tension and breaking.
All seams are HEAT WELDED for perfect seaming and guaranteed to last in fresh water, salt water and extreme humidity. Most seams are quadruple overlap for maximum strength and durability and will not fall apart . Large diameter 17.5” tubes design for more buoyancy and stability.
Features: High-pressure inflatable air deck floor is very stable . you can stand ,walk or even jump on it, the same way you could on hard floor. two air chambers per side-tube to make the boat more safer . Transoms covered with triangular splash guards to minimize back splash and protect the transom holders from heat and exposure to UV rays, one-way drain valve with plug, 4 ( four) fins for improved tracking.
Included: PVC Hull, Drop stitch air floor, 3 x Marine Plywood Bench Seat, Kit Tiswija, 2x Aluminum Oars, Carrying Bag, and Foot Pump.

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