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Dgħajsa tas-Sajd li jintefħu apposta
Dgħajsa tas-Sajd li jintefħu apposta

The fishing float tube has nice load bearing and great buoyancy, allowing you to fish safely in the lake or river. Moreover, there are two buckle straps on the side of the seat to ensure that you will not fall off the seat. At the back of the float tube, there are two adjustable shoulder straps that makes it easy to carry to any destination. Enjoy fishing with this inflatable boat without any worries.

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diġà 1902 messaġġi

  • OHO 10:12 AM, Illum
    Bongu, Għażiż Sinjur/Sinjura, merħba lill-websajt tagħna! Jien OHO,kif għandi nindirizzak?