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Kayak inchable para pescar
Kayak inchable para pescar

Materiais de calidade premium : Este kaboat hinchable con soporte de poliéster, tendo unha excelente resistencia ao rasgado, tensión e rotura.
Todas as costuras están soldadas por calor para unha perfecta costura e garantidas para durar en auga doce, salt water and extreme humidity. Most seams are quadruple overlap for maximum strength and durability and will not fall apart . Large diameter 17.5” tubes design for more buoyancy and stability.
Features: High-pressure inflatable air deck floor is very stable . you can stand ,walk or even jump on it, the same way you could on hard floor. two air chambers per side-tube to make the boat more safer . Transoms covered with triangular splash guards to minimize back splash and protect the transom holders from heat and exposure to UV rays, one-way drain valve with plug, 4 ( four) fins for improved tracking.
Included: PVC Hull, Drop stitch air floor, 3 x Marine Plywood Bench Seat, Repair Kit, 2x Aluminum Oars, Carrying Bag, and Foot Pump.

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