Dgħajsa tal-Gomma li Jintefħu tal-PVC
Ara aktar stampi

Inflatable Rubber Boat is suitable for a variety of occasions: like leisure fishing, water surfing, rescue and flood.


Marka: OOPS

Mudell Nru: Pjattaforma tas-Sajd f'wiċċ l-ilma aħmar-001

Material: 1.2mm PVC

Kwantità minima tal-ordni: 20 biċċiet

Abbiltà tal-Provvista: 3000 piece / Xahar

Certificate: CE EN14960

Ħin tal-Ħażna: 7-15 Jiem

Dettall tal-Prodott
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Dgħajsa tal-Gomma li Jintefħu tal-PVC



- Speċifikazzjonijiet tal-Prodott -


Size: 4m/5m/6m/7m/8m, jistgħu jiġu personalizzati.
Accessories: 1 x inflatable rubber boat; 1 xtwo-two pieces aluminum oars; 1 x Foot pump; 1 x Carrying bag; 1 xAluminum seat; 1xRepairing kits;
Customization: Size, kulur, logo, stampar, all of them can be customized.
Certificate: CE
MOQ: 20 piece


- Ipproduċi -


Some of the sizes we have produced about :
4.5m fishing boat, suitable to use in for fishing with friends and family.


6m for the inflatable boats, with the aluminum floor, Wear-resisting and durable


8m of rubber boat, the size and color can bu customized. The design of anti-collision belt around the hull can better play a protective role.


- FAQ -


Q: How many chamber in the boat?
The number of chamber is depend on the size of inflatable rubber boat, there will be 4+1 chamber for 4-5 meters length boat.



Jekk għandek xi problemi dwar Dgħajsa tal-Gomma li Jintefħu tal-PVC, jew trid tkun taf aktar dettalji dwar Air Track,Surfboard li jintefħu,Gżira f'wiċċ l-ilma,Sports DWF,eċċ. Merħba tikkuntattjana!

B'ħarsa 'l quddiem għall-inkjesta tiegħek.


Ibgħatilna l-messaġġ tiegħek:
dgħajsa tal-gomma li tintefaħ irħisa
diġà 1902 messaġġi

  • OOPS 10:12 AM, Illum
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