Plataforma inflable de platja de teca
Veure més imatges

Air floating mat is easy to transport, pack away and inflate for use. When inflates it is super sturdy, stable and relaxing to lie or sit on.

Brand name : OOPS

Item no : OHO-IFP-005

Place of origin : Guangzhou

Detall del producte
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Detalls del producte:

1)El nostre lloc professional es reflecteix, afegirem bosses de ballest, per estabilitzar millor la plataforma flotant.

2)Anell D sòlid d'acer inoxidable, es pot col·locar al voltant i per sobre del flotador, according to your needs. Even if you soak it in water, it won't rust.

3)Very strong plastic handle, instead of woven handle, looks more high-end and more durable.

4)Bravo valves keep your valves safe and prevent deflating.

5) Platform will be comes with repair kit, and handbags.

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